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We follow a clear methodology in our work system

At Atrae, we follow a clear methodology in our work system.

We begin by carrying out a comprehensive energy study of our clients’ facilities, which allows us to identify opportunities for improvement and optimization.

Next, we implement the necessary measures to achieve the established objectives. Once implemented, we rigorously monitor the results obtained. Additionally, we offer ongoing monitoring to ensure that the benefits are maintained in the long term and that our clients continue to obtain the desired results.

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Atrae Services

Design and Construction of Photovoltaic Installationss

Self-consumption installations are a fundamental investment for both companies and households. By generating our own energy, we can not only reduce the cost of production and consumption but also contribute to building a greener, more sustainable, and environmentally friendly world.

At Atrae, we are specialists in conducting thorough studies to find the optimal solution in terms of power, inclination, materials, quality, and design of self-consumption installations.

122 installations studied
and executed in 2022

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Lightweight and Flexible Photovoltaic Panels

At Atrae, we promote and distribute the most innovative and powerful photovoltaic solar panel on the market. This is an innovative solution for situations and surfaces that present challenges for the installation of conventional solar panels.

Whether on uneven or spherical roofs, delicate surfaces that cannot support excess weight, on unique buildings that require total integration (BIPV), or in areas where drilling cannot be used to affix structures, this lightweight, ultra-thin, and flexible photovoltaic panel offers performance comparable to conventional panels, adapting perfectly to any environment.

With this solution, we offer versatility and efficiency without compromising renewable energy generation.

Lightweight and Flexible Photovoltaic Panels

At Atrae, we promote and distribute the most innovative and powerful photovoltaic solar panel on the market. This is an innovative solution for situations and surfaces that present challenges for the installation of conventional solar panels.

Whether on uneven or spherical roofs, delicate surfaces that cannot support excess weight, on unique buildings that require total integration (BIPV), or in areas where drilling cannot be used to affix structures, this lightweight, ultra-thin, and flexible photovoltaic panel offers performance comparable to conventional panels, adapting perfectly to any environment.

With this solution, we offer versatility and efficiency without compromising renewable energy generation.

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Development and Investments in Renewable Energies

Our team is dedicated to the study and development of photovoltaic park projects, collaborating with a portfolio of investors, landowners, and companies specialized in the design, supply, and construction of renewable energy plants.

At Atrae, we handle all aspects of the project, from its initial conception to the Ready to Build phase and beyond, through to the finished construction and the signing of Bilateral Contracts with the buyers of the energy generated.

240MW managed between 2019 and 2023

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Engineering Projects and Energy Efficiency Certificates

At Atrae, we are expert engineers in projects within and beyond the renewable energy sector.

In addition, our experience and certifications from the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) and the Iberian Electricity Market Operator (OMIE) allow us to conduct personalized energy savings studies with maximum guarantee, as well as energy efficiency certificates.

More than 8GW of consumption managed in 2022

Engineering Projects and Energy Efficiency Certificates

At Atrae, we are expert engineers in projects within and beyond the renewable energy sector.

In addition, our experience and certifications from the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) and the Iberian Electricity Market Operator (OMIE) allow us to conduct personalized energy savings studies with maximum guarantee, as well as energy efficiency certificates.

More than 8GW of consumption managed in 2022

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Management of Grants and Subsidies

Our team stays constantly informed and up to date on state and regional grants and subsidies, which play an increasingly important role in this sector. In addition, we stay aware of available financing and support opportunities for projects related to renewable energy and energy efficiency.

This allows us to offer our clients specialized advice and a comprehensive vision of financing options.

Our goal is to ensure that our clients take advantage of the available opportunities and obtain maximum economic and environmental benefits when implementing self-consumption systems.

More than €5 million processed in the last 2 years

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Energy consulting
(RI 10-B-A00-46095781)

Our team of experts is specialized in conducting energy studies and audits in key areas such as lighting, air conditioning, and home automation.

We provide not only a comprehensive analysis but also improvement strategies and concrete implementation proposals. Our goal is to enable our clients to optimize their energy efficiency and effectively reduce their consumption.

More than 400 clients across Spain

Energy consulting
(RI 10-B-A00-46095781)

Our team of experts is specialized in conducting energy studies and audits in key areas such as lighting, air conditioning, and home automation.

We provide not only a comprehensive analysis but also improvement strategies and concrete implementation proposals. Our goal is to enable our clients to optimize their energy efficiency and effectively reduce their consumption.

More than 400 clients across Spain

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Training and Technical Workshops

At Atrae, we offer technical training programs aimed at companies and professionals in the energy sector, aligned with our areas of specialization.

Our instructors offer classes at both universities and institutes, providing up to date and practical knowledge.

Additionally, we collaborate closely with the Official Association of Industrial Technology Engineers of Valencia (COGITI Valencia) to train future experts in the energy field, promoting strong professional development and sustainable growth in the sector.

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